The Pessimistic Corona Ad

Billboard apparitions that might just come true

soon enough
painkillers will wean
the barely noticeable
yesterday with its nausea

forgetting how to walk
withdrawn flowers
will set like the sun 

soon enough

Jesus won’t be
the only holy one
the Devil’s company

will never make
you come again

soon enough 

nothing to choose from
nothing to tell
losing all the spit
in your mouth 

soon enough

you’ll become
as the many
faceless mimes
configured bodies
shuffling in a deck
confabulated shadows
in a fish-market

soon enough
someone will call for rain
and you won’t have an umbrella.

4 thoughts on “The Pessimistic Corona Ad

  1. how the heck r ya…like this new blog… a beautiful bad poem… well, bad is good here… one cannot help but to consider the reality of our situation today…i like this very much strong images portraying the decay of life around us and the soft subtle punch at the end brings us in for a wet landing….

    I’m good Piece of Pie. How are you? Thanks for the comment.


  2. Very strong imagery and the rhythm drawing the reader through the dark clouds of meaning. When are you going to start submitting your poems to journals and so forth?

    I’m working on it. It’s a bit overwhelming. Thanks for the support.


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