
when tomorrow is just tomorrow

when we know that our phenomenal experience isn’t as immediate as

the phenomena expected

where Yeah exists.

I hope that these impressions stay with you

like the scars dealt to me for being open

as long as you live

I hope you live with just that amount of fear

living, breathing, preparing yourself for an attack

as you sit calmly with someone’s else’s blood on your shit: maybe it’s your own

wishing they were gone

as you sit and wait for Yes

to magically appear?

I’m still going to have Metal beating through me tomorrow

I’m still going to text my lover, I heart yous, and still be under-represented

infected with insanity, perversion, illegality

until I’ve been completely molded into something accustomed

I, continues, growing into a form

a persuasion for pettiness

and oh, I thank you God for my nose, eyes, and ears

because I couldn’t have reckoned without them

I couldn’t have survived this Love

2 thoughts on “Yeah!

  1. That is amazing. It just explodes in the mind from that first pop and then gets so strong almost vicious. It is fantastic and uncompromising.

    Thank you Paul. The ban on gay marriage is based on ignorance and hypocrisy. It’s completely maddening.


  2. I had been so aware of Gay marriage (Civil partnership) being the norm here in the UK that this piece reminded me of how things were. Not so for you.
    As Paul says, this is a thwack in the face, eye~widening writing and it’s truly alive. This is the kind of writing that gets unfairly missed.
    Thank you, this is good.

    Thanks for stopping by.


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